Friday, May 21, 2010

Mommy, why do you have to go to work?

Well, everyone has a job to do, you know. I have to go to work to do my job, just like you have to go to school to do your job and Daddy has to go to work to do his job.

I would much rather stay home and take care of you! That would be so much more fun than going to work every day! Why, if I could stay home from work and you could stay home from school, then we could just play all day long, couldn't we?

But if you stayed home from school, then you wouldn't learn all the wonderful things you need to know in order to do a grown-up job when you get big. And if I stayed home from work all day while you were in school and Daddy was at work, I'd get awful lonely here all by myself.

Besides, we use the money I earn at my job to help pay the bills and buy groceries and pay for some of the things we like to do together, like go swimming or go to the movies or the ballgames.

But what I like is that after we all get our day jobs done, we're all at home together again. I really like working with you and Daddy to fix our dinner and clean our house and mow our lawns and take care of each other.

Why, I think maybe that's our family job, don't you? And aren't we lucky that we don't have to go somewhere else to do that?

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